Monday, January 19, 2015

Langkawi Island, Kedah 10-13 January 2015

Here we go...
Went to Langkawi through air transfers, AirAsia. Depart on Saturday night. When arrived at airport, just take taxi to Malibest Resort. Then, just relax n sleep. On Sunday, just relax while waiting my mum, sister and younger brother arrived. They are taking land transfer meaning take a ferry from Kuala Perlis jetty and arrive at Kuah jetty. just take about 45 minutes from Kuala Perlis jetty. RM 18 per person. More details, look at here . 
Sailboat at pantai Cenang
there are a people who play what we called this ''belon terbang'' pulled by speedboat..
hot air ballon or what?

Traumatised with a MH370, just random snapshot when this plane trying to land at langkawi airport...

we are just like visiting overseas...lot of tourist, just a group of malaysian this time....muehehe drink coconut water when pregnant...

minum air kelapa time peknen

sepetang di Pantai Cenang, Langkawi bersama adik, kakak dan emak, & hubby
younger brother


faiz, syukor, siti, mak

me hiding 33 weeks ++

geng leh kowtim

we r

this is next activity which is island hopping (pulau beras basah, tasik dayang bunting and pulau singa besar(eagle feeding)

in the speedboat with mum

pulau beras basah
hope she can be happy all the time

very hot...kalau pergi trip petang, okay sikit kot....ini kitorang pergi trip pagi 9.30 am from jeti

eagle feeding, just a short moment
eagle feeding at pulau singa besar

dayang bunting ni adalah sebuah tasik yang berada di tengah pulau, like that la....sangat mencabar menaiki tangga, masa ni dah 32 weeks,..hahah
climbing the stairs to go there..muahaaha

look at this...looks like a pregnant woman, right!
and last before hantar mak balik, just go to dataran helang for a photography

and this is my moment with husband at the laksa power, jalan airport....
view at jalan airport menikmati laksa power

so, how about costing...
airasia pergi+balik -RM58/seorang
taxi from airport to malibest: rm20 per taxi (049551800-taxi airport, 049665249-taxi kuah town)
malibest resort : RM128/night, 3 night equals to RM 384
Island hopping RM 25/pax (Kak Siti: 0194053791 *Transport sudah tidak disediakan katanya, met at underwaterworld, for our cases, she just pick up and send back us because we dont know there is no pick up anymore, thanks kak siti)
we rent a car at airport for halfday only - RM 80 for mitsubishi, tak ingat contact number, but u can call this, i think they are partners, anuar @ fauzi
0134002720 @ 0122557584
cost untuk shopping at ismail group for chocolate, beras terbakar@padang matsirat for kain batik, pelekat n else.